Tom Morello signs a guitar head for a student at Van Nuys High School in California

Morello Rages at Van Nuys High

Rage Against The Machine’s Tom Morello visited Van Nuys High School in Van Nuys, California on Tuesday (10/17) to kick off his new music program with Music Will, the largest non-profit music education program for schools across the country.

Morello met with 200 students, participated in a Q&A, visited a music classroom, performed Woody Guthrie’s “This Land is Your Land” and made a donation for musical instruments. Through funding, staff training and instrument donation, Music Will gives kids the opportunity to learn by playing the modern hits they enjoy or writing their own songs, rather than starting with the usual scales and theory.

Next up, Morello will appear at an elementary school in Harlem, the day before Rage Against The Machine is inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame on 11/3.

Pictured raging against the machine is Morello (with the guitar) along with the Van Nuys students lucky enough to rage with him.

Original Story from HITS

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