$75,000 grant and artist engagement opportunities, kicked off with a virtual classroom visit by Josh Dun of Twenty One Pilots, support music education programs across the United States
NORWELL, MA, June 28, 2021 – The Zildjian Company, the world’s leading maker of cymbals, drumsticks, and mallets, is proud to announce a three-year partnership with Music Will, a national nonprofit that transforms lives by restoring, expanding and innovating music education. This partnership brings together two organizations committed to sharing the joy of music and impacting many generations of music makers.
Along with a $75,000 grant to support Music Will’s music education programs, the partnership includes multiple engagements with thousands of K-12 music students and educators throughout the year, with Zildjian and Vic Firth sharing resources, educational materials, and opportunities to engage with its Artist Family. The partnership launched on April 5, 2021 with a virtual classroom visit by Zildjian Artist, Josh Dun, of Twenty One Pilots. Dun shared his story, a brief lesson and performance, and engaged Music Will students in a Q&A. In preparation, the students familiarized themselves with Twenty One Pilots tunes, using Music Will’s easy and fun music lessons. Similar visits from Zildjian and Vic Firth artists are planned for the future, to further engage students with highly inclusive music education. For educators, virtual workshops led by Mark Wessels, Zildjian Director of Education, will be held to provide tips and resources for teaching percussion. Notable Zildjian and Vic Firth Artist-Educators will also be invited to join to create excitement about the programs and lessons. As part of the partnership, Zildjian becomes the Premiere Cymbal Sponsor of Music Will.